Jan 20, 2010

Winter Gloves - UPDATE!

Wednesday January 20
-5C (Feels like -12C with the windchill)

Today's ride wasn't quite as cold as its been last week (-7C), but pretty close, so I decided to give my new Axiom Gailforce Lobster gloves a try and sure enough they did the trick - with 2 minor complaints. As expected, the terry cloth thumb section designed to wipe sweat/snot proved to under perform compared to the rest of the glove and by the end of my ride my thumb was definitely colder then the rest of my fingers. The other complaint is that the portion of the glove that your index and middle finger slide into is a little long  making the transition from '2 fingers on the brake' to '4 fingers on the bar' a bit of a maneuver. This is due to the extra material hanging up on the brake lever as you move your fingers back to the bar (I purchased a LG size but could probably make due with a M - however, I don't think the size would matter in this case). I guess its the price you pay for warm fingers!

On the ride home (with the same outside temperatures) the gloves definitely have a thumb issue. In fact I'd have to say that hitting -20C with these seems unlikely and you'd most likely want to wear a thin under layer if possible. This was one of my reasons for buying a size up.

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